Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Visitor No. 2

The infantry are now on home manouevres and so we're likely to be expanding our collection of images of Essex bug life over the next few weeks, particularly if the weather holds. We shall be making field trips already dubbed Bug Hunts in the fields and nature reserves near to home.

In the mean time this is another visitor I snapped in early July. This was one of the first bug visitors I succeeded in taking a reasonably clear and representative photograph of. Not only that but as the image makes clear my domestic deficiencies don't begin and end with housewifely duties. I'm also not great at DIY as the bad paint job all too clearly shows. Ah well.

This is a second image of the same moth with wings folded more tightly. As an added bonus this image does reveal more clearly that I really am a Bad Houswife as well as an ineffectual DIY-er.

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