Thursday, September 20, 2007

Three for me to identify

Things are getting serious here, what with all the frenetic gearing up for 11-plus and Christmas and birthdays and so on and so forth (business as usual then). The garden is almost tucked up for winter and I'm setting my self winter homework: to identify these and other odds and sods, only some of which I've posted pictures of (so far)...
This tiny moth was at fence against a fence panel, with a length less than a centimetre so a wing span probably somewhat less than 2cm.

This moth which I have seen in the same part of the garden about a month ago is slightly longer and has a markedly different shape as well as different colouration. The two times I've disturbed it I've been working in the strawberry patch, then picking now preparing for winter.

This was taken indoors. This moth or something very similar has been inside several times this week. I'm guessing it is some kind of 'plume' moth.

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