Thursday, June 21, 2007

London bus type behaviour

Nothing right now would give me greater pleasure (there being no men present) than to identify the insect this first photograph. Sadly, nothing illustrated within the admittedly meagre resources at my disposal even remotely resembles it, so I humbly offer up the image unadorned and for your edification. It was there by the bathroom door last night and gone this morning.

Inside a rather different flier was disturbed by me turning on the light; so I resorted to the previous night's tactics to record the visit by what I hold to be a Swallow-tailed moth (ourapteryx sambucaria) even though The Book says it files in July.

It settled on the charger unit for the electric toothbrushes (!) which lives in front of the florescent tube on the bathroom unit. That created all sorts of difficulties when I attempted to take a photograph of the underside. Although the wings are a cream marked as seen in the first photo the body seen from underneath is much much closer to a snowy white.

Finally, this visitor, a regular, lovely burnished copper tones. Not the best picture I've taken, but also not the worst.

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