Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Saving the best till last...

This was good enough to get me posting again... enough to remind me of what got me going in the first place.

They always turn up when you're not really thinking that anything interesting might be in the offing.

I turned in late last night, after everyone else ... wandered dozily into the bathroom, turned on the light and padded about. Minutes passed before it caught my eye, sitting high up on the wall in the corner above the loo. I had to look again to be sure I wasn't imaging things.

It was so still, so perfectly formed and so vibrantly coloured I could hardly believe I wasn't looking at a leaf blown in through the skylight ... and never mind the autumnal hue.

Of course by the time I got back with the camera it had been set off by the light and was fluttering about. Usually I let things take their course but last night I closed the window and the door, turned off the main light and put on the smaller light over the basin. In a couple of moments it calmed down and I was able to take these photos. Sadly against a dark background rather than the light blue of the walls. The flash drains out some of the colour too - bear that in mind.
Probably a male Orange Moth (angerona prunaria)

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