Thursday, July 05, 2007

Big Yellow Thing in Sky?

Feeling a bit like Chicken Little. Huge mysterious unfamiliar yellow object in sky turned peculiar blue colour. What on earth is going on?

Last night one very small moth on the landing, flew into the bathroom, was still there first thing this morning but gone by the time I returned from the school run.

About 1cm long overall and insisted on lurking in awkward corners so this was the best of the shots I was able to get.

[Bike making wierd noises, might need trip to shop.]

Then today, this little (total wing span of less than 1cm) moth settled on the garden fence long enough for me to take this photo, which by way of a bonus provides evidence of strange yellow light-emitting object in odd-coloured sky.

Second photograph using different flash gives clearer rendition of markings, but first photograph better represents the subtle colouration.

Otherwise, garden as usual. His Lordship, either through carelessness or drink (or more probably a straightforward combination of both) knocked over most of the sunflowers some time yesterday, cack-handedly repotted them and then didn't bother to tell me about it.

So I fiddled around with them, fed the toms and the roses. Now, as I'm typing this I realise I overlooked the peppers. Bother. They'll probably survive until tomorrow.

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