We ventured out briefly on bicycles but then I got too cold and we had to come back in doors. We cycled first up to the top of the hill to drop off a request for a repeat prescription at the surgery on behalf of an elderly neighbor then back via the road along the top of the reserve and the marina. The marina carpark which we cycled through as a shortcut on the way back is horribly pitted and the holes are deep with water after it lashed down with rain yesterday. Even still we're only getting a fraction of the downpour and consequential suffering being endured in other parts.
A few skippers were about and a couple of peacocks. A couple of white butterflies could be seen against the river bank but too far away to be identified. No lizards were out sunning themselves, even when the sun was out. And the adder warning signs have mostly come down thought that's probably vandals rather lack of necessity in this awful weather.
The only insects out in abundance were bees. Bees and a wasp (probably Common Wasp vespula vulgaris or v. germanica; my resources simply are lamentably poor).
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